All Natural Angus Skirt Steak
Origin: Creekstone Farms
Grade: USDA Premium Black Angus- All Natural Program - No Hormones or Antibiotics
Size: 12-14oz
Aging: Wet Aged up to 21 days
Cooking Instructions
- Preheat the oven to 450°F.
- Dry the Steak with paper towels and season both sides with salt
- Heat a cast-iron skillet over high heat for 5 to 6 minutes
- Place Steak in the cast iron and sear for 1-2 minutes on each side
- When both sides have a nice sear, place the cast-iron directly into the oven
- Cook for another 2-4 Minutes, turning half way thru
- Check meat with a thermometer periodically - Remove when internal temperature is 120 for Medium Rare
- Remove the Steak from the oven and let rest for 8 to 10 minutes before serving
- Enjoy
Additional Information / Storage
- All products ship fresh and never frozen
- Block Boxes when received, should be refrigerated immediately
- All Fresh Products should be consumed within 1 week for best quality, if storing for longer we recommend to freeze immediately - Frozen Fresh lasts longer
- If Packaging is broken we recommend to repack and use or freeze immediately